Tuesday 23 March 2010

Wargames Illustrated 270

I've just recieved my copy of this months Wargames Illustrated (bit late arriving this month) and its bursting with rampaging Vikings. Here's a brief lineup of the contents:
  • THE VIKINGS IN IRELAND - An introductory guide to the Viking invasions of Ireland.
  • HEATHENS AT THE GATE - Viking and Irish armies and the warfare they employed in Dark Age Ireland plus two scenarios for battles between the two.
  • THE PLAIN OF BULL - Howard Whitehouse explores the real history of this Irish “touchstone battle” and presents a scenario for gaming the action for his new set of rules, Clash of Iron.
  • HOW TO MAKE AN EARLY IRISH CHURCH - The Irish monastic buildings from our theme period had a unique look and will add a lot of character to your tabletop.
  • VIKING PAINTING GUIDE - This article gives several ideas and guides to painting different aspects of Viking and Irish figures.
  • THE COVENANTERS - An introduction to the Covenanters of the English Civil War and a scenario for a clash with the forces of Prince Rupert.
  • FIRESTORM MARKET GARDEN - The Operation Market Garden campaign played by the Battlefronty staffers.
  • 1588 AND ALL THAT - Part Two of three articles exploring the gaming opportunities offered by Elizabethan England.
  • GUERRILLA TRAIN RAIDS - Following on from last month’s Kaukopartiojoukot 1942-1944 article - more information on the Finnish long-range reconnaissance troops.
  • THE ETRUSCANS - A complete gamer’s guide to one of Rome’s early enemies.
  • WILKINSON’S CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE SLAVERS - Wargaming stalwart Gary Chalk makes a welcome return to the pages ofWI and leads us on a trip into the dark heart of Africa with a set of scenarios for colonial warfare in (and around) the jungle.
  • Plus a review of the Crusade and PAW shows in the UK, and a roundup of other News.
The Wargames Illustrated webpage has also been revamped and includes a load of additional web content to support and expand on the material published.

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