This is just a small entry of four officers from me this week. My excuse for not getting more done; Three days of gaming instead of painting. After completing the Opolchenie last week, hot on the heels of the Cossacks the week before I was feeling a little ‘painted out’ so I took a day off before starting to prep my next big entry (a unit of Dragoons). Then the game invites began to come in and before I knew it I had ‘lost’ half a week's painting time. That’s not a complaint, I’ve had some great games over the last week, and focusing on a couple of models has enabled me to gather my strength for the next lot of cavalry. It’s also presenting Ray with a golden opportunity to overtake me in the rankings… let's see if he takes it!

The two mounted officers are from Perry Miniatures and are cast as a single model. These two are not wearing greatcoats unlike pretty much all of the rest of my army. Maybe they are just harder than their men, or maybe they are foolhardy? I did consider copying Ray and adding a greenstuff scarf or cloak, but I decided against that because I knew I didn’t have much time but also because I didn’t want to obscure the details on their uniforms. So for the first (and possibly last) time in this project, I have had a chance to paint dark green jackets, brass buttons and silver braid. I’m rather happy with how these came out.

Next are a couple of officers on foot. I think these are Foundry figures. One is wrapped in a long greatcoat while the other wears only a frock coat. I think I may have made a mistake with this guy. I copied a picture I had so the whole figure is in grey, but now I think I’ve boo-booed and his frock coat should have been dark green. It’s too late now, he’ll have to do as is. I have a few more officers to paint so I will have plenty of choice when Ray and I finally play a game.
I’ve started on the Dragoons and hopefully, I’ll have them done for next week… crossed my fingers and a following wind permitting.