Sunday, 31 December 2023
Successful New Years Resolutions: And how to stick to them
Friday, 29 December 2023
Bosworth Test Game: Test of Resolve

Sunday, 24 December 2023
Clarity verses Inspiration: The Pursuit of Precision in Wargame Rules
Sunday, 17 December 2023
Collaborative Painting: Rising to the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge
Sunday, 10 December 2023
Breaking with convention: Miniature Basing for Different Rulesets
Sunday, 3 December 2023
Napoleon: A travesty of a movie
Tuesday, 28 November 2023
Battle of Neds Cabin: Fire & Fury revisited
Posties Rejects got together at the weekend for some ACW action using Fire & Fury. I haven't played these rules since 2019 but we all picked things up quickly under Stuart's watchful gaze.
3rd Corp c/o McDowell
1st Division (c/o Hatch) 1st, 2nd, 4th & 6th Wisconson + Gun
2nd Corp c/o Jackson
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The initial setup. Artillery reserves would come on later in the game. |
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The Federal line was anchored on a ridge line |
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The Confederate players advance towards the Union positions |
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New player Dan turned a humble wood into a formidable redoubt |
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My Wisconsans watch the approaching rebels |
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Much of the fighting took place on the right flank. |
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The Rebels charge up the ridge in the first of several back and forth melees |
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Union troops are pushed back |
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On the right flank, the Pennsylvanians charge downhill, bayonets fixed in an attempt to disrupt the Confederate advance. |
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Extremely high rolls on both sides made the melee very exciting. |
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The Pennsylvanians are touched back up onto the ridge and hold their position |
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Meanwhile, Dan's New Yorkers fight bitterly for the woods. |
Richard's Virginian's charge uphill and I roll a double one, but so does Richard. There's an immediate second turn of melee and I roll 11 but Richard rolls a 12 and I'm pushed back |
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But then the Union right flank crumples. Both sides are being worn down but the Union troops have the worst of it. |
Friday, 17 November 2023
6mm Medieval Building Kickstarter
Sunday, 12 November 2023
Warfare 2023 Show Review
Are you a Grognard? Or a Beer and Pretzels type of gamer?
Saturday, 11 November 2023
Dense Woodland Build Tutorial
Sunday, 5 November 2023
The 15 minute wargamer: Turning even short period of time into hobby time
Tuesday, 31 October 2023
RE Play Wargames Show
Friday, 27 October 2023
RE-PLAY - A new and exciting wargame event at the Royal Engineers Museum
Posties Rejects will be at the new RE-Play event at the Royal Engineers Museum tomorrow. Our game has been chosen because there is a link with the Royal Engineers so please come along and see if you can find Captain Wynne and his men from No2 Company.
Confirmed Clubs running games at this event:
The following list is accurate at time of writing but I guess as this is a 'new' event it could be subject to some last minute changes.
- Shepway Wargames Club, Hauhausen '89, Cold War gone hot.
- Skirmish Wargames, The First LRDG 1916-1917, British Empire vs. Turks at a desert oasis.
- Medway Wargames Society, Gladiator arena, 2 tables (P), Star Wars Shatterpoint skirmish
- Tunbridge Wells Wargame Society, What a Tanker! WW2 tank skirmish
- Maidstone Wargames Society, Dogfight '69, El Salvador vs Honduras, "The Football War"
- Friday Night Fire Fight, Last Argument of Kings, large scale fantasy skirmish
- Fire When Ready UK, Star Wars Legion Grand Army game
- Posties Rejects, 6mm Zulu Wars, The Battle of Inyezane 1879
- Rainham Wargames Club, 1/600 American Civil War Ironclads
- Real Time Wargames, The Glittering River, Naval actions from the Russian Civil War, 1/600
- Milton Hundred Wargames Club, The Battle For Villers Bocage, Rapid Fire WW2
Confirmed Traders at this event:
Again correct at the time of writing. For such a small venue and new event this is a pretty good selection of traders. I have my shopping list prepared!
- The Pit Gaming Shop
- KR Multicase
- Sheppey Models
- Debris of War
- Brigade Models
- Cuirassier Books
Monday, 23 October 2023
What is the point of Demo games: A personal perspective
Sunday, 15 October 2023
Monetising your hobby: A personal perspective
Friday, 13 October 2023
Muddy Roads: A Terrain Tutorial
Casualty Rates in Wargames
Sunday, 1 October 2023
Wargamer Wellbeing
Friday, 29 September 2023
Muddy Streams: An easy build water feature for 6mm wargames tables
Sunday, 24 September 2023
How Many Historical Wargamers are there?
Sunday, 17 September 2023
A Change of Format: That you probably won't even notice
Sunday, 10 September 2023
Irregular Unit Sizes
Sunday, 3 September 2023
Instant Armies: Are Mini Painters an endangered species?
Wednesday, 30 August 2023
Painting Tutorial for 1/1200th Ships
Sunday, 20 August 2023
When Serendipity Strikes: Never ignore the Gods of Wargaming
Monday, 7 August 2023
La bataille de la mission impossible: A WWI battle report.
This brings me to the one single bone of contention in the rules for this game. Stuart is of course tweaking and refining his WWI rules with every game and following our last WWI game, he made a small change to the Melee rules that I think was probably a mistake. I would say that of course because myself and Steve found the change to our mutual disadvantage, but let me explain and maybe you can draw your own conclusions.
Melee is decided by a series of d10s. One for each base of figures still in play. Additional dice can be added for defending favorable ground, charging, etc. In addition, defenders usually hit on a lower dice roll than attackers so the 'favorable ground' bit is effectively applied twice. So for example, four attackers attack four defenders in a slit trench which is classed as light cover. The defender would get four d10s for troops, and +1d10 for favourable ground. The defender hits on a 6+. The attacker meanwhile gets four dice for troops, plus one for charging, but hits on an 8+. So in a straight fight, the defender in cover has an advantage. (There are other dice that can be added for trained or specialist troops but for the purposes of keeping this example simple, I'm leaving them out).
The wiley attacker will therefore bring as much firepower to bare on the defender before going into the attack. This may mean targeting the position with artillery or weakening the defender with rifle and machine gun fire before getting stuck in with Boyonets. In Fig 2 below, the defender has been whittled down before the attacker charges in. Now the defender only has three dice to the attacker's five, although the hit differential remains the same with the defender hitting on a 6+ and the attacker on an 8+.
So the attacker is incentivized to bring as much overwhelming manpower to bare as possible, to swamp the defenders and take the position. So in Fig 3 below both the attackers and defenders have taken casualties but now the attacker brings two companies to swamp the defenders. In this example, the defender gets 3 dice for figures and one for the softcover hitting on a 6+, while the defender gets 6 dice for troops plus one for charging, still hitting on an 8+. The attacker still has a hard job but by bringing lots of troops to the melee, and with a bit of luck on the dice, stands a chance at winning the melee and taking the position.
Sunday, 30 July 2023
The History Hook: What inspired you to play a particular period?
Tuesday, 18 July 2023
Bosworth Armies in 6mm
Sunday, 16 July 2023
Travelling to Shows
Wednesday, 12 July 2023
6mm Tavern or Alehouse
Sunday, 9 July 2023
Talking to Non-Wargamers at shows
Tuesday, 4 July 2023
Dutch Raid on the Medway: Mad for War at Rapture
Sunday, 2 July 2023
For the Love of Heavy Metal
Sunday, 25 June 2023
Writing your last orders
Sunday, 18 June 2023
Wargaming your Guilty Pleasures: What's yours?
Monday, 12 June 2023
Broadside 2023: Posties Rejects Smugglers on the Kent coast
Skirmish at Francis Bay - June 10th 1784
Smugglers on the Kentish Coast by Posties Rejects
“Smuggler.—A wretch who, in defiance of the laws, imports or exports goods without payment of the customs.” Dr. Johnson
Sunday, 11 June 2023
The Mini Painters Learning Curve
Sunday, 4 June 2023
Has IGOUGO had its day?
Wednesday, 31 May 2023
Making 6mm Flags: Size is not an issue
Printed Sources Wars of the Roses Flags (mentioned in this video):
Sunday, 28 May 2023
In defence of BIG Battles
Friday, 26 May 2023
Double Dial Counters from Foxtrot Charlie Miniatures
My order of battle stretches the size of the Battles way beyond the rules authors' design parameters, meaning my Battles will start the game with quite large Moral Values. I couldn't figure out the most elegant way of keeping track of Morale...until now.
These MDF Double Dial Counters from Foxtrot Charlie Models are exactly what I needed. There are 8 dials in a pack for just £10.75 so they were also a very economical solution to my requirements. The Dials come unassembled but were really easy to put together and can then be decorated as required. I decided to replicate the groundwork of my bases so they match my Wars of the Roses armies and blend in with the game mat I am using.
That's one more task off my to-do list and at a very reasonable price too. 👍👍👍