Thus far my foray into 6mm wargaming has been a little bit haphazard. I've painted several platoons and the core of a number of companies but without a clear idea of what I am aiming for. So over the weekend I sat down with a copy of the North Africa source-book and worked out several Company lists that I am aiming to build.
Much of what I need has already been painted but there are several platoons that are missing and still need to be built. I have some old models that I am in the process of cleaning up ready for repainting and I have ordered a few more (mostly Grant Tanks from Skytrex) to finish off my two British Companies.
When this lot is painted I will have four viable armies (2 Axis and 2 British) that work out about 3200 points per side. I can then think about fleshing out these units with Divisional Support platoons, AA Units and some specialist engineer teams and later still with additional support companies.
The platoons marked below with a ** have yet to be painted. I have the models already and will be working through these over the coming weeks. The platoons marked with a °° are currently on order and will be added to the to-do list as soon as they arrive.
Panzerkompanie (21.) - Confident Veteran - German Armoured Company
Company HQ - 2x Panzer IV F1 200pts
Panzer Platoon - 4x Panzer IV F1 400pts
Panzer Platoon - 4x Panzer IV F1 400pts
Panzer Platoon - 5x Panzer III J (early) 450pts
Heavy Anti-aircraft Gun Platoon - 2x 8.8cm FlaK36 240pts
Heavy Panzerspäh Platoon - 4x Sd Kfz 231 (8-rad) 170pts
Air Support - Priority Air Support Ju 87D Stuka 175pts
Company Points: 2035
Compagnia Carri - Elite - Italian Tank Company
Company HQ - 1x M14/41 60pts
Carri Platoon - 5x M14/41 300pts
Carri Platoon - 5x M14/41 300pts
Self-propelled 75/18 Platoon - 1x Carro Comando & 4x Semovente 75/18 320pts
Armoured Car Platoon - 4x AB41 125pts
Limited Air Support - Macchi C.200 Saetta 125pts
Company Points: 1230
Axis Total - 3265
Infantry Tank Company - Confident Trained - 8th Army British
Infantry Tank Company HQ - 2x Matilda II 145pts
Infantry Tank Platoon - 3x Matilda II 215pts
Infantry Tank Platoon - 3x Valentine II 160pts
Infantry Tank Platoon - 3x Valentine II 160pts
Infantry Tank Platoon - 3x Valentine II 160pts
Rifle Platoon (8th Army) - 195pts
Field Battery, Royal Artillery (8th Army) - 4x OQF 25 pdr gun 215pts
Company Points: 1250
Heavy Armoured Squadron - Confident Trained - 8th Army British
Heavy Armoured Squadron HQ - 3x Grant 280pts
Heavy Armoured Platoon - 3x Grant 280pts
Heavy Armoured Platoon - 3x Grant 280pts
Heavy Armoured Platoon - 3x Sherman II or III 340pts
Heavy Armoured Platoon - 3x Sherman II or III 340pts
Light Armoured Platoon - 3x Crusader II 155pts
Light Armoured Platoon - 3x Crusader II 155pts
Armoured Car Platoon (8th Army) - 3x AEC I 150pts
Company Points: 1980
British Total - 3230
As you can see I still have a long way to go but having a clear plan (and the models to back it up) will help me focus on getting it all painted quickly. I've no idea how much this lot would have cost to recreate in 15mm but I'm sure it would be a small fortune and probably well beyond most wargamers means.