Thursday 20 October 2011

That's a lot of Lead

I had one of those "Gulp! What have I let myself in for?" moments this morning. I've started to assemble the US Parachute Rifle Company that I recently bought on Ebay (absolute bargain at just £17). I started with the usual sorting through the box to make sure everything was in there and then organising the figures into teams. This took an evening just in itself, selecting sets of models that compliment each other or belong as part of a team (the mortar crew for instance).

I glue all my figures to their bases before painting, then build up the plaster basing material around them before priming the figures. I've reached the plastering stage and I looked at all the models this morning - 29 teams in all - and realised what a mammoth task I have before me. Given my notoriously slow painting speed I can see this project taking a long long time.

Having said that I do tend to work on more than one project at a time. I have a set of Sd Kfz 234/2 Puma Armoured Cars that I bought at SELWG on Sunday and these are calling to me... so much lead (and resin), so little time!


  1. Only 29 teams. Then you probably have the new US Parachute Rifle Company box. I had the old box. With the contense of the old box you could make 3 full para platoons. Thats 12 teams more.

  2. Damn lot of nice lead though, I have spares I believe if you haven't enough.

  3. Good luck on the painting.

    I usually choose to paint 15mm figs first and base them after. Do you ever have problems painting a mini where another is blocking your brush?

  4. Lurker... all donations are welcome!

    Vladdd309... It can be a bit tight sometimes but my method is very forgiving of mistakes! One time I painted then based them and I ruined the figures by getting plaster and glue on them. I guess its down to personal taste.

    Hein... I'm just glad I'm not painting Russian infantry.

  5. Be happy you don't have to paint Denison Smocks!!

  6. I'm with vladdd, I would go crazy painting the figures on the bases, it would cause me no end of problems, I glue around 8 figures on an aprox 12 inch stick, there's no probs at all painting them....but as you said Lee, each to their own!!

  7. Jeez...Good luck with that lot Lee!

  8. Good luck with your project. I can totally appreciate being a slow paint. I take forever to paint anything.

  9. Keep at Lee. It's a big task but it is so worth it. At least it is not Russians. :) I am not far away from starting my own US paras. Who will finish first. Looks like you have a head start. :)

  10. Good luck. If painting figures was easy, everyone would have thousands.

  11. That's an impressive group of figures. Looks like you have your work cut out for you. Looking forward to seeing them painted.

  12. I always fancied some US paras, who couldn't after reading/watching BOB or bridge too far ("hail mary full of grace". robert redford?) my FJ's will do though, think splinter camo smocks or don't, as i still have nightmares...:) and i've still got a short platoon to go, aaaaaaahhhhhh!
    Good luck, may the paint go on easy.

  13. +1 with Vladd and Ray.

    but on the other hand, US paras are quite easy to paint. So it shouldn't take you that long to paint them


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