Saturday 26 March 2011

300k While I was Sleeping

Some time during the night my hit counter recorded BLMA's three hundred thousandth hit. I only realized this because I was updating some small items and scanned to the bottom of the page. And I have to admit I was very surprised and not a little amazed at this figure. According to Statcounter my blog has received over 300,000 page loads. Wow! Thank you everyone for taking an interest in my semi-lucid ramblings. It's humbling and encouraging at the same time. I just hope I can live up to this in future!


  1. Congratulations, Lee; that is a whole lot of hits! I do enjoy your blog, and it's great that you post most days.

  2. That is amazing, well done.

  3. Congrats Lee. You are running a very excellent blog here that contributes greatly to the community. Keep up the good work!

  4. Congrats. You run a great blog and I enjoy it every time I see an update.

  5. Congratulations Lee !! you have a great blog...

    Best regards Carlo Antonio

  6. Congrats, that's a lot indeed. I read this, went for a quick nap, checked my stats and well, hum no, not such luck...

  7. Congrats Lee!

  8. Awesome Lee....although when I say the "300k while I was sleeping", I did think, "Lucky sod, he's won the lottery...wonder what he'll be buying".

  9. That is a big number. Well done.

  10. You run an interesting and enjoyable blog that is regularly updated, well done to you

  11. Incredible achievement but should be expected from one of the best wargaming blogs out there. Keep up the good work, Lee!

  12. Congrats, my good friend! One of my favorite blogs! "From humble beginnings two years ago, Lee set forth his plan of global blog domination." :-)

  13. Well done indeed - well deserved!!!


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