Thursday 10 September 2009

Fictional Reality E-Zine

The latest issue of Fictional Reality (Sep 09) is available for download from the site. I'm sure many of my readers already know about this great FREE publication but for those of you that don't I heartily recommend it.

To quote the site "Fictional Reality is a quarterly gaming magazine that covers miniature wargames, board games, terrain building, sculpting and even the occasional role-playing game."

This months issue contains:

  • Battle Reports: Warhammer Fantasy Battles and Warlord
  • Game Reviews: Twilight, Hammer's Slammers and more
  • Miniature Reviews: Reaper, Infinity, Hasslefree and more
  • Painting Workshop: US APEs for Incursion and SOTR.
  • Army Building: A new Rezolution Dravani army

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