Monday 23 July 2012

I've been to War & Peace

On Friday and Saturday my Brother-in-Law and I went to the War & Peace Show at Paddock Wood in Kent. This is Europe's biggest military fair and attracts visitors and exhibitors from across the world. Even after two days I can safely say I never got round the whole site and I have come home footsore, very tired, a little muddy and (amazingly given the weather in the UK lately) a little sunburned! I also came home with a few photos to share with you, although it might take me a while to work through them as I shot over 1800 over the two days!  

Here's a couple as a foretaste and I'll try to get more posted here over the next few days. 

Ray and myself next to one of three Hellcats that were at the show. 
A Sherman taking part in the grand battle on Saturday. 
It was a fantastic show and maybe next year I may consider doing three days, although it still won't be enough to see everything that was there. 


  1. Wow, impressive!

    I'd really like to see a show like this, but unfortunately, I live here in Germany and people have kind of a problem with this war-stuff here.

    Looking forward to seeing the rest of your pictures!


  2. I like the second picture. Must have been impressive.

    But on the first picture, I think it's a wolverine, and not a hellcat. Am I mistaken?

  3. The second picture left me speechless! Looks a must-attend event indeed

  4. Bring them on Lee! Looking forward to seeing plenty more of what appears to have being a wonderful show.

  5. Awesome. Great shot of that Sherman and rubble.

  6. 1800 pics, that won't take too long to go through??

  7. It's been a while since I've been there!


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