Tuesday 15 May 2012

US Airborne Mortar Platoon

I'm on a roll with the painting lately which makes up for the poor start to the year. Here's the latest completed unit, a Mortar platoon for my growing 101st Airborne Company.

The Airborne Rile Company comes with two 61mm Mortar Teams but this platoon adds another four teams, this time packing the 81mm Mortar. These are man-packed weapons so they can keep pace with the rest of the company but they also have a 100cm range and can fire indirect bombardments and smoke. These should keep Fritz's head down! The platoon also comes with two Bazooka teams so my Airborne company now has eight of these in its ranks. Panzer's beware.

I have run out of the Screaming Eagles shoulder patch decals I bought last year so I had a go at painting them on freehand. Yes, its insane, I know. However the end result looks OK and definitely passes the Two Foot test, and from that range they look about the same as the decals.

By now I had several 'spare' models from various sets so I decided to make a Pathfinder marker using two radio operator models I found. Battlefront do sell a Special Order model for this but I think my scratch built Eureka Beacon (from a brass nail and some wire) looks the part.


  1. Nice work, the scratch built teams look almost better as the original ones!

  2. Just looking through these pictures and realise the colour balance a bit wobbly... not sure what the problem was. Guess I shouldn't take pictures on the quick, especially when I'm tired.

  3. Good work but especially the Beacon, damn nice bodging!

  4. Wobbly or not, the effects and pictures still show the models nicely.. and great work on them.. love the last one.. agree with Thomas that the scratch built teams look better than the original..

  5. Excellent painted platoons!


  6. Excellent painting Sir and the beacon is excellent!!! Now who's a clever boy then????

  7. Really like them, you have them squared away. Glad I don't have to tote them 81's at the same speed as the guys nursing rifles LOL!!!!!!



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