Friday 30 April 2010

Salute 2010 : The Video

Having posted all my pictures from Salute 2010 on Wednesday its now the turn of video. I can't take all the credit for this though as my daughter, who came to the show with me, shot all the film. I edited it together using Windows Movie Maker, added a soundtrack and some transition effects and here's the finished film.
If you watch the video closely you'll see me getting a photo of the Muse or Bust table. Talking of which, I'll be posting the promised article about my approach to Convention Photography later today.


  1. You and your daughter have done a darned fine job there my good fellow. Really professional in my humble opinion.

  2. Thanky you very much. I'll pass your comments on to her becuase she did all the filming while I concentrated on taking pictures.

  3. really enjoyed the video....& ACDC soundtrack excellent combination!!!


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