Thursday 22 April 2010

Poll Results - New Posting Schedule

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about my desire to step back from the daily posting schedule I have maintained through the first 16 months of this blog. Its been challenging and very enjoyable but I have slowly come to the realisation that I needed to ease the pace somewhat. Work commitments have made it difficult to work on the blog during the day and consequently blogging has taken over from gaming or painting in the evenings. Quite the opposite of the raison d'être for creating the blog in the first instance.

The accompanying poll (results below) has helped convince me I'm not about to commit the blogging equivalent of Harakiri if I stop daily posts. Three quarters of the poll respondents - and the vast majority of commenter's as well - support, or at least don't object, to a downscaling of the posting schedule. My favored option would be to split the difference between the options presented and aim for four posts a week with more if time or news allow. I'll continue the weekly feature Big Picture which seems to be popular and has a comfortable slot at the weekend. Regular posts will follow the pattern I set while on Holiday (Monday, Wednesday & Friday) with additional posts if I have more time and stuff to write about.

Thanks for all the feedback while I considered this change and I hope you continue to read and enjoy my ramblings and musings.

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