Wednesday 9 December 2009

Your Friendly Local Gaming Store

I'm a big fan of Internet shopping but there are times when you need the hands on experience that only a real shop can provide. The problem is that most high streets are full of the same old shops following the same old formula and that leaves little space for independent games retailers. Those that do exist definitely need our support, especially in these tight economic times.

I have noticed that many Gamer Bloggers have taken time to promote their Friendly Local Gaming Store (FLGS) and decided it was time I did the same. So this is the first of a semi regular slot to promote stores that I have discovered and enjoyed in the course of my travels. I always make it a personal goal to visit local games stores when I'm on holiday and I'm always seeking out new stores close to where I live in Dagenham. Unfortunately I've had to define 'close' as anywhere within an hours travel of my home.

Many shops have come and gone over the years but Orcs Nest in London has remained in business and independent since its establishment in 1987. I think Games Workshop made an play for them back in the 90's when they were gobbling up lots of independent stores. Fortunately they failed and the Nest has gone from strength to strength ever since. Orcs Nest also carries a very wide range of Roleplaying games, boardgames and CCG's. They also sell a full range of collectible miniatures, a wide selection of Reaper miniatures and their own range of models launched a few years ago. In addition that have pretty much every accessory you might ever want or can think of. I make a trip into London at least twice a year specifically to visit the Nest but also take advantage of any trip into London on business to drop in and get a fix.

You can find more great FLGS's at the Matthew Gray's Game Store Database or there's a Gamer and Store Finder on the Steve Jackson website. Wizards of the Coast (makers of D&D) also have a Store Finder on their site, as do Games Workshop.


  1. Hi Big Lee,

    I also try to visit Orcs Nest when I'm in London and I agree with you that is is a very special store.

    Being based in the Midlands I have a number of stores that I can visit on a regular basis (that means about three or four times a year) and I can see me copying your lead and writing about each of them on my Blog.

    Keep up the good work.


  2. I think I found this place by accident, is it near New Totenham Court Road (near the original Forbidden Planet store, and also near the defunckt Beaties?), has an upstairs 'Gantry' that wouldn't look out of place in a space-hulk game?

    Good guys, very helpful, and not being tied in to the dreaded (by me) GW/Citadel, they have lots of lovely independents figures.

    I can now put out a shout to a similar store in Aldershot - Esdevium Games, opperating at a loss for years because the boss of the parent company loves minis!! Outstanding love of the hobby!


Thank you for leaving a comment. I always try to reply as soon as I can, so why not pop back later and continue the conversation. In the meantime, check out my YouTube channel Miniature Adventures TV