Friday 11 December 2009

Finding Players

I recently stumbled upon a new website specifically designed to help you find new players. Game, Setup, Match! which aims to establish a nationwide gaming community in the UK. I recently discussed how to introduce new players to an established group but of course that depends on you being able to find a new player in the first place! Often word of mouth is all you need but if that fails there are several 'player finders' on the Internet. Here's a selection of my favorites.

  • also has a Gamers seeking Gamers section.
  • If your a member of The Miniatures Page there is also a Player Finder option available.
  • If Flames of War is your game then you can use the Battlefront websites Club Finder to locate a nearby game.
  • Similarly if your a Roleplayer then go no further than UK Roleplayers and their club finder.
  • Pen and Paper Games has an excellent Player Finder as part of its forum. You can search by proximity, genres and whether they are a player or GM. The best bit is the use of a navigable map that makes identifying local players easy.
  • For Call of Cthulhu gamers's Players Directory is an excellent searchable database of players.

This is by no means an exhaustive list but they represent sites that I have either used myself or had recommended to me at one time or another.


  1. The website looks useful, thanks. Still seems to be young but our club should be putting an ad up soon. We're always needing new players from around the Portsmouth area. No-one does roleplaying yet, but if some roleplayers wanted to come down on our Monday evenings they're more than welcome. If it's ok I'd like to plug our club address here?

  2. Cheers! Just on the off-chance that any readers of this blog are from around the Portsmouth area, here's our club address:

    R O A B Club
    204 New Road
    po2 7rw

    We meet every Monday evening, starting at 7.30pm. You can arrive as early as 7pm, but no earlier as they won't be open! We do play until quite late, until they decide to shut the club for the night. We've been known to be there until 1am.

    We play anything we can get our hands on, including Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer 40k, Bloodbowl, Necromunda, Warmachine/Hordes, a variety of board games, Magic The Gathering and others.

    As I said in my last comment, we don't have any roleplayers yet, so if a group of you want to come down and use our venue then you're more than welcome.

    You do have to be 18 or over, as there is a bar (yay!), which is reasonably priced. Club fees stand at £1, and your first night is free.


Thank you for leaving a comment. I always try to reply as soon as I can, so why not pop back later and continue the conversation. In the meantime, check out my YouTube channel Miniature Adventures TV