Monday 25 May 2009

Wargames Illustrated 260

Yesterday I finally got my hands on the new issue of Wargames Illustrated. This is the re-launch issue now that the magazine has come under the banner of Battlefront Miniatures (the company that produces Flames of War). So far I've only managed a quick scan of the magazine but what I've seen looks very impressive. The first thing I noticed when picking up this issue was its size. Weighing in at 116 pages it is by far the largest wargames hobby magazine on the shelves (White Dwarf is 120 pages, but I don't count that as it only focuses on GW products). The layout and design of the new magazine is very pleasing to look at and makes finding what you want so much easier. This issue includes what looks like a very interesting article on the Soviet Offensive against the Germans in June & August 1944 known as Operation Bagration. Each page is packed with artwork, maps of key engagements, technical specifications of some of the equipment used and illustrations showing uniforms and camouflage schemes.

This issue also came accompanied by a sprue of two Perry Miniatures plastic Napoleonic Riflemen. I saw the Perry plastics for the first time at Salute and I was very impressed so giving away two with the Magazine is a great advert for Perry Miniatures and a big incentive to by the magazine. I hope the new owners continue this trend because its a great way to try out new ranges before investing in a particular manufacturers miniatures.

One more thing I must mention - at the risk of sounding like an advert for WI - is the price. At £4.00 GBP ($8.00 USD) this is one of the cheaper wargaming magazines on the shelves (certainly out of the four I buy regularly). I for one am looking forward to reading this issue cover to cover.

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