The original plan was to rope my Brother-in-law (pictured on the right) into playing; but he, like me, has had a busy summer with nearly every weekend taken up with events of one kind or another. However as autumn races towards winter we are both finding our schedule clearing and spare time on our hands. So this week I've been reading the rules for the game and playtesting it to get a feel for how the game will run.
Unfortunately I've discovered that my box is missing a sprue of Firestorm models. Luckily it was only two German half tracks and not one of the larger sprues but even so I'm a little miffed. I should have checked the box more thoroughly when I got it because this isn't the first Battlefront product I have bought that has had missing parts.
I've looked on the Internet to see of it's possible to buy spare parts for the game but so far without luck. I could try getting a replacement from Battlefront's UK distributor but last time I used this service I was more frustrated than impressed. I'm sure I can make some suitable replacement tokens with a lot less stress and in half the time.
Sorry to hear you are missing a part of the game.
ReplyDeleteIf i were you i would still mail BF Customer service to send you a replacement. I too had a few problems with their products. And up to now they have always sent me the missing or broken items. I even, one time, got a whole new blister.