Thursday 29 January 2009

Poll Results - January 09

The January Poll - How many Miniatures did you paint last month? - has closed prematurely (because I messed with the HTML... Doh!). Twelve respondents voted (out of 1000+ visitors) plus myself makes lucky thirteen. However the following results are still quite informative.

Less than 1 = 1
Between 1-2 = 2
Between 3-5 = 4
More than 5 = 6

For the record, I painted 4 mini's in December. I have already exceeded that amount in January so I guess this blog is achieving the desired effect on me after all!

There is now a New Poll for February:

How often do you paint?
Every day
At least twice a week
Once a week
At least once a Month
Less than once a month

Please take part in this less than scientific 'geeksocial' experiment to understand my readers and of course I'll discuss the results at the end of February when the Poll closes.

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Thank you for leaving a comment. I always try to reply as soon as I can, so why not pop back later and continue the conversation. In the meantime, check out my YouTube channel Miniature Adventures TV