Thursday 8 January 2009

Naval Uniform

Just to prove that I have started here’s a quick picture I took this morning. The plan with this model is to give him a dark blue ‘Navy’ style coat with a red waistcoat and white trousers. The button holes will be picked out in gold braid. I may also add more braid to the trim of the coat but I'll make a decision on this later as the model comes together.

One of the things I like to do when painting semi-historical models is look for pictures and descriptions in books and on the Internet to help with colour schemes. Osprey do an excellent series of books (including a new publication specifically about Piracy) but there is also a lot of free source material to be found on the web. The National Maritime Museum currently has an exhibition of early Navy uniforms and I have drawn inspiration from some of the examples on display.

However because this is a buccaneer I wanted a little bit of ‘flashiness’ about the character and this will be exhibited in his red undercoat and even redder sash.

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