Sunday 8 November 2020

Sportsmanship verses Gamesmanship in Wargaming

Today's episode of The Quarantined Wargamer discusses Sportsmanship versus gamesmanship across the wargames table. When does psyching out your opponent become bullying? And does it even belong around the games table? 

As always if you enjoyed the video please hit the Like button and consider subscribing to my channel. I'd love to hear from you so please leave your own thoughts on this issue either on youtube or here on my blog below. 

Next week I'll be discussing how to conquer that Lead Mountain, but until then stay safe and keep rolling high! 


  1. "Play up, play up and play the game" is my overiding tenet, so sportsmanship all the way. I'd much rather play a great game and lose, than win by 'other means'. One reason I no longer belong to a club is that I can avoid those gamey players and just play with good friends at home that share the same values. Yes, we tease each other and take the proverbial, but it is all good natured and frankly we enjoy it. But we don't cheat and will point out if a friend is making a mistake etc as they will do the same for me. Enjoy the game and if you win, it's the icin gon the cake!

    1. I've never been a member of a club so I can't say I know what its like, but within 'The Rejects' I think we have always played for the fun of it. There's competition certainly, but I think we all enjoy ourselves and that's more important than the win.

  2. Great little bit of wisdom there, thanks. I agree with the points you have made much more eloquently than I could have! If it were just about the win, why bother with war-games? Play chess! Our hobby is about toy soldiers, painting them up than have a proper good time shunting them round a table. As part of that is the sportsmanship and competition and I have always loved the 'banter' of the games table; taking the pee out of weedy goblins and laughing when they kill the my general! That for me is the essence of a great game, when you leave the table more positive and upbeat than when you when you came!

    1. Ah yes...that moment when your 4* General is shot from his saddle by a lowly militiaman... been there many a time!

  3. Very good video! For us gaming is a social event so we lean extremely heavily on the sportsmanship with comments like "Jolly good!"; "Curses, foiled again!"; and "Great move."

    1. Absolutely, its the same in the shed-o-war. I've been playing with the Rejects for over a decade now and I can honestly say there hasn't been a single game where I haven't had a good laugh and enjoyed myself... well maybe one, but less said about the infamous 'Battle of Hal' the better!


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