Monday 2 January 2012

Figgybloggy Best Blog of the Year Awards

The excellent French blog Figoblogotheque is running its third Figgybloggy Best Blog of the Year Awards (FBBYA) which will be awarded on the 1st of february. There are three categories: English language best blog, French language best blog and the other language best blog. Voting cannot be easier, just go to this post and leave a comment explaining which blogs you wish to nominate for each category.

Last year the excellent blog Big Red Bat Cave deservedly won the English Language category and this year other great blogs like The Angry Lurker and Model Dads have already been nominated.

I've cast my vote, now its your turn!


  1. I feel a 'pirates of the caribbean' moment coming on - everyone voting for their own ! ;-)

  2. I didn't even know about this site or thge award, thanks for the heads up!

  3. And thanks for the vote, much appreciated!

  4. Well I didn't: I cast for a very deserving and wide ranging/commenting chap!

    Thanks for the reminder Lee

  5. Best of luck in the upcoming year. I hope you win!

  6. I've been nominated...madness but I'll go over and look just to help!

  7. Big Red Bat Cave rocks... Good luck for all the nominees :)

  8. #I loved you post because if I hadn't read 'Bolesno Grinje', I would have been misled. You are so right in all the points you raised. staggered was cruelty masqueraded as tradition.


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