Friday 16 December 2011

What's on your list?

With just over a week to go before Christmas and I'm reasonable sure that I'm getting a lot of what I wanted. My family all make lists because it means both the giver and receiver are happy on Christmas morning. Its not to everyone's taste, but it works for us. And my wife and I have an understanding at this time of year that helps smooth things along. I promise not to buy anything in the couple of months prior to Christmas (just in case its already bought) and she promises to turn a blind eye when I go on a post x-mas shopping spree. Win Win.

Most of the models and miniatures I want I'll get after New Year and probably most will be bought online. But what about you? Do you have a wish list for Christmas or will you be receiving socks again?


  1. Socks for me!!! I keep asking Father Christmas for a PS3, but he never brings me one!!!

  2. (If I'm lucky - I think Santa crossed me off his list this year)

  3. Well, I must be lucky... I should have a pull-over and some TYW stuff from my beloved wife :D

  4. it'll be socks again this year for me.

  5. djk...because you've been a very naughty boy?

  6. Not a list but a few weeks ago when out shopping i took Mrs Inchigh into a model shop and i spent ages looking at a 1/35th Sturmtiger kit, saying things like "this looks great" and "ooh, its only 24 euro's dear" hehe, i doubt it will have worked and im expecting socks and/or jumpers :(

  7. My missus told me to get some figures and she'd sort me out, she sorted me out by telling me now that she got me something's bloody coal and then the salt mines for her.....

  8. I'm at the stage where time is the most valuable commodity. But how to wrap it?

  9. I just ordered AP8 for ASL, won't come this side of Christmas but as gifts go it's great as it's from my credit card company (old work CC had points) I still have some credit so that will be spent on primer and varnish.

    As for the real peeps they will supply game tokens as just about all I want is released late Jan!!!!!!!!


  10. We don't give any presents with Christmas. All the nice and tasty food is good enough for me plus the 2 day's of from work.
    Sunday I will get stuff I bought for myself as a Christmas present. FoW minatures.

  11. I got my Xmas present in advance: an Ipad that I bought taking advantage os a business trip to the USA (the sell there much cheaper than in Europe!!). So literally speaking I will get socks at best on the official Xmas Day next week

  12. Nobody is expected to buy me anything, but Santa did just deliver me a £12k payrise =; so I think I've done ok!

  13. Ordering something on-line it will be for me. Or underwear :-D


  14. Snow tires for the car. I'm getting the pair for the front and she's getting the pair for the back of the car.

    But at least this year we can afford snow tires!

  15. The new Napoleonic scenario book, Blunders on the Danube and a new pipe. There's more presents than that under the tree, so who knows?

  16. Plaster boards. ... Yes, you heard right ..Plaster boards. These will enable me to finish the conversion of the wargaming room in my loft... I'll probably end up getting socks though.


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