Wednesday 14 March 2012

What was I thinking?!?

I'm an idiot, and a cheep one at that. I've made a colossal blunder and the only positive is the fact that I didn't spend a fortune on it. None the less I'm miffed at my stupidity and consider myself suitably chastised by my failure. So what did I do wrong? I bought Games Workshop brushes instead of sticking with my normal Winsor and Newton series 7's. Uuugh...I feel dirty just admitting it!

"The Stupid, It Burns" by Ahren Paulson
Back in January I wrote about my Mobile Painting Kit which I had put together to use in work or when travelling for my job. When I used the kit on my last trip I took my trusty Winsor and Newton's with me but decided I really ought to buy a set of brushes specifically for my travel box. But I baulked at the thought of spending £50 on a new set of brushes and stupidly opted for a set from Games Workshop instead. After just a couple of uses I can honestly say they are utter cr*p, the worst brushes I have ever owned.

I've only had them a week and I'm ready to throw the lot in the bin. None of them keep a point and even the 'fine detail' brush is like painting with a wallpaper brush. After just a couple of uses hairs are falling out and those that are left are forked or splayed. The tip needs constant grooming to return to something resembling a point. Their paint retention is OK but the hairs are so loose most of the pigment seems to soak into the ferrule making the splayed hairs even worse.

I hate to say this about myself but I am thick, thick, thickity, thick. There's little else I can say about this other than to beg forgiveness from the gods of painting and make a solemn promise not to do it again.


  1. Ouch. My brushes seem to lose their point after about five sessions, but they only cost 200 yen a pop so it doesn't bother me too much.

    Fantastic painting kit, BTW!


  2. I am guessing you did not read the blog post recently about GW brushes from one of the more popular bloggers in his rants (Can not remember which one now). His observations were the same, bought to try out, splayed first time used and went on to say how can the kids be expected to use them.

    I have added to my list of wind ups next time I go into GW to buy Devlan Mud, they always ask if I need anything else such as magazine or brushes. Will have to say yes next time. When they offer me their choice I can look them in the eye and say, oh I thought you said brushes not shite on a stick.

    I will get day


    1. Can you bring another postie or one of the kids with you to video tape that encounter? I think it would go viral.. and could possibly be used as a warning to other gamers around the globe :)

    2. Ian - it was me doing the rant! I had exactly the same experience. I'll give them a or two strokes later they'd splayed and then were useless. It must put thousands of kids off painting every year. And I will bet that none of the GW painters come within a mile of actually using GW brushes.

    3. Phil thanks for reminding me. My apologies for the brain fart, I just remembered the exact post but not where.


  3. Well if misery loves company they you're in luck as I did pretty much exactly the same thing. Long story short: The GW brushes are in the landfill and I'm back to my tried and true old WN 'warhorses'. I'll have to check out your 'Mobile Painting Kit' as we're prepping for an extended vacation and I want to take some hobby stuff with me.

  4. Don't flame me but I actually find the GW brushes are ok. I have a set which I've had for about 5 years and got a new set just before Xmas but haven't actually used them yet as the old ones are still going strong.

    Mind you I'm not producing works of art but I'm happy with the results I'm getting from them

  5. My next brush purchase will not be GW for the first time in many years. The old red brushes were great and the next series blue ones ok, but the current black ones are completely rubbish and I've had enough.

  6. Highly recommand, a small british company, amazing sable brushes at very good price, better deal than Winsor's ones.

  7. OK I may be alone on this but. "I use GW brushes and they are OK". I know that my single W&N No.7 is better and a prized possession, but I have not had the nightmares with GW brushes that you have recently experienced.

    Saying that, my current favourite brushes are Rosemary & Co Series 401 which is in fact a sable/synthetic mix.



    1. Have to agree with Tony regarding Rosemary & Co, great value and service; I had a GW brush once, now used for mixing paints!

  8. THe GW used to be ok about 3-4 years ago. Then they changed their range and they were just terrible. Bought the new standard brush and used it once. After that was to the more expensive W&N brushes.

    Not sure why GW do this all the time. So much of their stuff used to be good, the change it and then its shite.

  9. Sorry to hear about your troubles with those brushes. I hadn't heard they were so bad. I'll make sure to avoid them.

  10. I haven't bought a GW brush in years, but I have tried some other semi expensive brushes and had similar results so I feel your pain.


  11. I used to use the GW brushes all the time until their recent change to black. Found myself switching to winsor & newton and never looked back

  12. I have a few GW tank brushes that I picked up on ebay (cheap) but other than that not a chance.....

  13. Stoopid is a stooopid does. That will learn ya. But HOW DO THEY GET AWAY WITH IT.. I have switched to Andrea Miniature Kolinsky sable ones - - not cheap but damn they good - my main no2 has superb point still after two years of abuse.

  14. I did a Wargaming Bugbears on these shitty things. I don't know how GW get away with it!

  15. So to hear it. Toss them out and soldier on.

    1. (sic* Sorry to ...) damn I'm having trouble typing today.

  16. I prefer Windsor & Newton brushes myself. The only Games Workshop brush that's worth a damn isn't made any more - the tank brush. (

    The rest are utter rubbish.

  17. Write out on the board 500 times 'You can't beat the 7 series' then hang your head in shame. The 7 is the pinnacle of the brush makers art (IMHO) and that's not hyperbole. Have it, or its equivalent quality, and you will never be able to blame your brushes again...which leaves only your eyesight, nerves, paint, age....

  18. Well... My GW brushes have been in use for years now. I don't want to miss them. They're excellent for stirring up paint, distributing PVA glue...

    Joking apart... Sorry to hear that you wasted money for those brushes. I know there are some painters who are honestly satisfied with the Citadel brushes but I switched to another product years ago. By now I've been using a set of artist brushes with bristles of marten hide (called Kollinsky). They're from Da Vince, a German company, they're slightly cheaper than Newcastel and easier to get for me since our local dealer sells them.


  19. What a bummer!! I haven't got any GW brushes and don't intend to either.

  20. I've got some old GW brushes (the blue ones) that have been relegated to drybrushing duties and even these are in a better condition than my new ones! Judging from some of the comments here and on The Miniatures Page there definitely seems to have been a drop in quality over the years. I live and learn.

    Thanks for all the feedback and kind comments folks.

  21. I buy the ArmyPainter brushes... they seem to work great...


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