Wednesday 16 November 2011

Schwere Panzerspahwagen - Sd Kfz 234/2 Puma

The Schwere Panzerspahwagen (5cm) - The famous Puma - was supposedly the pinnacle of German Reconnaisance cars. It was fast and well armed with the 5cm KwK 39/1 L/60 gun and could engage light opposition easily. The Puma's main gun and co-axial machine gun were fully enclosed in a turret bringing the weight of the whole vehicle up to 11.74 tons. Production began in September 1943 and was halted in September 1944 with 101 vehicles produced in total.

In Flames of War the Sd Kfz 234/2 has Jeep Mobility with Armour 3 Front, 0 Side and 0 Top. The gun has a Range of 24”/60cm, ROF 2, AT 9 and FP 4+.

This three vehicle platoon was relatively easy to paint and prepare although I have found the Resin cast hull has some serious weakness in design. In particular the front bumper broke off on two models during construction and had to be repaired with the judicial use of Superglue! It remains to be seen if these battlefield repairs survive the sort of handling they will get in play.


  1. man they look good. never ceases to amaze me the skills you see. I just can't paint vehicles for anything. Green wiith envey ;-)

  2. Lovely work my friend, the paintjob is excellent.

  3. Excellent work, I hope they hold up under playing conditions

  4. Great paint, Sir. The drybrushing makes the details "pop" right for the eye to see.

  5. A great vehicle - I have one in 28mm which I have yet to put together. If it comes out like yours I will be VERY happy. You've done a great job with the cam and weathering, they look superb!

  6. They look excellent. I'd like to hear how they do in a BatRep...

  7. They really look great! Super highlighting.


  8. Nice work and a great little unit to have on table

  9. Really nice paint work Lee. The Puma is one of my favourites.


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