Sunday 26 April 2009

Return of the Jedi

Regular readers will know I've been a bit quiet recently, due to illness. I've spent most of the last two weeks on my back with my leg in the air (very undignified) which has made blogging - or indeed anything else - impossible. The ol' leg still hurts when I put it down but its getting better, slowly. Long story short, now that I'm vertical rather than horizontal I can sit at a computer again and blog to my hearts content!

Blogging is also about to become a lot easier for me because my lovely wife bought me a new laptop for my 40th Birthday. I'm expecting delivery in the next few days and I can't wait. My current computer is coming up for 7 years old and has become woefully inadequate for my needs. In particular it struggles with downloads or graphics intensive websites. Part of the problem was my Internet connection, which I got updated last year, but mostly its just my computer not being powerful enough to handle my needs. It's served me well but its time to move on.

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