Sunday 10 January 2021

Are you a Wargames Butterfly?

The term "a Wargames butterfly" has been around for a while, and I'm definitely one of them, but what about you? This week the Quarantined Wargamer asks are you a specialist or generalist when it comes to your hobby? And what are the pros and cons of both paths? 

As always I'd love to hear what you think. Please leave your stories in the comments below or over on my YouTube Channel. And as always if you enjoyed the video hit the Like button and consider subscribing to my channel. Next week I'll be having a few words with my younger self and asking, do I have any advice worth passing on? Until then, keep safe and of course, keep rolling high! 


  1. I was solely an ancient player for many years. Then moved into Napoleonic and ECW/renaissance after about 20 years. Now I'm like a mad butterfly taking up F&IW, Ronin, Frostgrave all in the last 3 years
    And the number of my ancients armies expanded when I moved more into 6mm to include Egyptians, Assyrians, Hittites, 2 Roman armies, Classical Indian, Sassanian, Greek Hoplite and Early Achaemenid and Ancient British.
    That's it. I hope

    1. Im my experience, as soon as a wargamer says "enough and no more" they start to twitch. And before long they have two or three new projects on the to-do list!

  2. Big Lee,
    Over the years (since the late 70's) I have moved from period and from game system to system. This year I have dusted off the Mersey books Rebels and Patriots and The Men Who Would be Kings and have gone whole hog on new armies. I definitely suffer from shiny new toy syndrome.

    1. The only thing keeping me in check is lack of space and time. My wife has already accepted the inevitable.. one day (not for a while I hope) the Young Padawan will move out, I'll retire and my collection will grow exponentially.

    2. That's the dream Lee! Although I hope my padawans will come back and game in my shed...

  3. I'm happy to try anything and I think still looking for a game I can stick with forever. The problem is that there are so many games to choose from, and so little time to play. Finding something that a group of you like enough to stick with can be hard.

    1. True, with so many new games systems and products to choose from (and new ones all the time) I do sometimes feel like a kid in a sweet shop. And unlike when I was a kid, I can now afford to indulge in whatever takes my fancy (which is everything!).

    2. I actually cleared out everything I don't play last year, it's easier with not meeting up with people. But I'm already eyeing up what to replace not with when we start meeting up again, and trying to rein it in!

  4. Replies
    1. I've seen the inside of your shed and can attest to that! Inevitable really, given that you live next door to a gaming megalomaniac. Some of that crazy was bound to rub off on you eventually 🤣


Thank you for leaving a comment. I always try to reply as soon as I can, so why not pop back later and continue the conversation. In the meantime, check out my YouTube channel Miniature Adventures TV