Friday 25 July 2014

War and Peace - Pt 4 WWII Axis Vehicles

Today I'm posting yet more pictures from the 2014 War and Peace show, this time focusing on WWII Axis tanks and other vehicles. Once again I must say that any mistakes in identification are entirely my own and almost inevitable given the number of pictures I took. If you see any errors let me know and I'll check and correct the errors as soon as possible. To see more pictures follow this link to the web album containing the full set.

Replica Stug built on a FV432 hull

A replica SdKfz251

Panzer III Auft N - Replica based on a 432 hull

A replica SdKfz222 based on a Land Rover chassis

Opel Blitz Truck

VW Kubelwagen c1944

A replica Sturmgeschutz

An original Ausf A Panther owned by Rex and Ron Cadman and part of the War and Peace Collection

German Pak40 (7.5cm Panzerabwehrkanone)

A Nebelweffer - Not sure of this is an original or a replica

A unique collection of German hardware in one location

Panzer IV Ausf. J - Part of the Rex & Rod Cadman collection

German 105mm howitzer leFH 18/40
A lot of original equipment has been lovingly restored and brought to this event but the replicas are also fascinating.

Tomorrow I'll wrap this series of posts up with a look at some of the modern equipment on display and some of the unusual items that are worth looking at.


  1. Very nice set of photos. I do like the replicas and appreciate all the love and work enthusiasts put into them. It is a shame that they have to convert modern vehicles to do so But I guess they have little other choice.

    BTW I asked Postie if he won the lottery and had to buy a Military vehicle for Re-enactment what would he buy..... he was stumped. But I reckon you would be a Panther man.

  2. Great serries, really want to get to it at some point


  3. thanks again for your time and effort for taking and putting up these pics ,much appreciated

  4. Great photos Lee, I really enjoyed your documentation of this event. For some things there just is no substitute for the DSLR. I'm still working with my new 18 - 300mm lens, which I hope will make it easier to be ready for all situations. The lens is a beast though.

    1. I'm rather chuffed you think these were taken using a DSLR...because they weren't. I used my new - and rather expensive - Canon G15 compact. I bought it specifically for the excellent optics in this model, good enough to capture pictures that look like they were taken with a much bigger camera it seems!

  5. Nice pictures.. I reckon that Opel Blitz is a Chevy though??

  6. I'm impressed by some of the conversion jobs...quite tempted to take a hacksaw to my Landy Disco myself now! :-)

  7. amazing. Great photos.


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