Sunday 28 October 2012

First 6mm Tanks off the Production Line

Following on from my earlier post about bases here's my first batch of 6mm tanks based up, labelled and varnished. A trio of Tigers to give the Allied a headache.

Tiger Platoon
Base Labels
Now that I have painted my 'test' models I'm really happy with the way these turned out. I wish I'd discovered micro armour years ago, but now I need to make up for lost time! Guess I'll be hitting the internet this evening and exercising the credit card!! 


  1. Lovely stuff Lee, the base writing works well!

  2. Those are fantastic. I particularly like the labels - can you give any insight on how you produced those?

  3. Ooooooooo They look very nice Mr Hadley!!!!

  4. Nice tanks Lee. Knew you'd like micro tanks. Take about 1/10 of the time to paint compared to 20mm and still look good.

  5. Great looking models and paint job Lee. What rules are you planning on using with your 6mm stuff?

    1. I'm going to try adapting the FOW rules.

  6. Love the paint job... however ... if I make one small critical comment? Blowing the pics up that much actually doesn't flatter - they look much better at actual size or close to it: the highlights work, whereas blown up they look a bit electon-micrographish!

    That aside? They're awesome.

  7. So what's your method? Block in colors. Wash with ? Dry brush highlights/edges?

    1. Block painted with Middlestone and black for tracks, Dry brushed with Ivory, washed with Devlan Mud and then another quick drybrush with Ivory.

  8. Yes, please give some more detail on your method.

  9. Nice shading work Lee, they really pop!

  10. Really nice and love the labelling

  11. Very nice. I bet they are quick to get done as well.

  12. Those look terrific. I really like the complimentary colours of the bases and tanks, and the information panel at the back is very cool. Splendid stuff, Lee!

  13. Hi Lee
    Nice looking tanks. I take it they are GHQ ?

    I've used FOW rules with my 6mm guys as well, and it works really well. I love the look of the 15mm stuff, but IMHO FOW ranges are just ridiculous when used with 15mm.

    Kind regards


    1. When I bought them I thought they were GHQ although there was no label on the box. But when I went online to buy some more I realised these are actually from CinC.


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