Friday 29 July 2011

Camouflage Podcast

Following on from my post last week about Podcasts I'd like to recommend a segment of the latest What Would Patton Do Podcast that I found really interesting. Episode 22 covers the usual range of topics and items for discussion that are found in every Podcast. However this show includes an interview with Tim O'Neil about camouflage that was really interesting and very informative.

Tim O'Neil is retired from the US Military and served in Vietnam. For 15 years he was on the faculty staff at West Point and can reasonably be called an expert in camouflage. More recently he has been closely associated with the 29th Infantry Division Historical Association.

The Interview starts at 38 minutes into the show and ends about 1hr 15minutes, so its a fairly robust and in-depth interview. The discussion starts by looking at the origins of Camouflage and its employment by the Military. Although its understandably US centric (being an American show and Interviewee) they also discuss British, French and German camouflage, especially in connection with the Second World War. I found the whole segment very interesting and enlightening and I think you will to.

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