Friday 8 July 2011

15mm Norman Church

I bought this 15mm Norman Church by Mainly Military Scenics (now part of Chiltern Miniatures) at Broadside last month and knew immediately that it would look good on the games table. Now that its painted up I agree with that first impression even more. The Mainly Military range are high quality resin with extremely fine detail yet robust design.

This model came with the roof and tower as separate pieces and I glues them into place. I could have kept the roof removable but I wanted a solid finish to the piece and decided to fix it into place instead. The resin needed a really good scrub with acetone to clean the surface before I started painting. However once it was cleaned the paint went on smoothly and adhered perfectly.

I deliberately kept this paint scheme simple and clean as I thought it suited the models fine details.

I've nearly finished another resin model, an abandoned farmhouse. I just need to varnish and then apply grass and its finished. Pictures in a day or two when I get a chance to upload them.


  1. Nice church, I love your blog!

  2. Awww shucks, you're making me blush!

  3. Great looking church (and follower:)

  4. Good painting and drybrushing sir.

  5. Very good painting. That is a great looking church.

  6. Very well done -- an excellent model.

  7. You've made a great job of the church Lee, it looks fantastic!!

  8. Well done on the paint job I look forward to seeing that on your gaming table

  9. Nice church, now to blow it up Dr Who style. :)

  10. That's a great piece and matched by an excellent paint job. Hmmmmmm. Thanks for the link as I may have to get one as it looks so good and I have no Churchs in my collection.

  11. Great job Lee - a classic stone church like that is useful in any era from Medieval to Moderns. Your timless paintjob will help that too. Great job on the windows - very effective!


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