This is described as an event book and was produced under the Sword & Sorcery brand title in the boom following the adoption of Open Source rules for D&D. Here's a description from the Malhavoc site:
"This event book serves as a guide for DMs and players whose world is struck, and struck hard, by a meteor. Following the model of the popular event book Requiem for a God, D&D Epic Level Handbook designer Bruce Cordell brings you When the Sky Falls. This book presents a variety of new prestige classes for characters close to ground zero, a variant magic system powered by residual meteor fragments, and many new feats and spells. When the Sky Falls also describes frightening new monsters -- creatures twisted by their proximity to the Afterfall."
Although the rules were designed for 3rd edition the core of the book could be adapted easily. As a sourcebook for ideas I think it still works. There is a great review on the Geek Native site which is well worth reading.
Oh and the best bit, I picked this book up from a 'sale bin' for one pound. I do love a bargain!
Bargains are always good.LOL