Wednesday 14 October 2015

The Padawans Loot

By popular request here's a picture of my daughters SELWG Loot. A much larger haul than mine...oh the shame! She isn't collecting for any particular game at this stage, but wanted something a bit sci-fi. Over the winter months I'll focus her interest to find a game we can both work on together. I said I needed a new project but never realised it would be my daughter! 

The tentacled creature in the middle is from Infinity Engine and will make a nice centre piece for a game as well as being fun to paint. The various plastic GW figures were from the Bring-and-buy. These will also be good for painting practice. She also bought two sets of metal sci-fi figures (sorry can't remember who from!) and some bases from Colonel Bills. I have a load of spare paint she can use and more brushes than you can shake a stick when I have shrugged off this cold that has taken grip I'll sit down and have a proper painting lesson with her.

Hmmm...maybe I can get her looking at some Weird War Two games...a sci-fi spin off from my own collection. And I even have the right colour pallet in my paint collection! Any suggestions folks? Preferably 28mm skirmish level gaming?


  1. You're essentially describing Secrets of the Third Reich Lee...

    1. Hmmm...I'll have to take a closer look at that game then.

  2. Hmmm, much less than expected. Even adding that to your haul, that still means that traders are crying into their whisky at the lack of sales ;)

    That's certainly an eclectic bunch of goodies. No idea who the 28mm SF are from though.

    As for potential rules, when you say "skirmish" is that squad or platoon level?

    1. Either. I want something we can paint quickly and build up, so no huge armies. Probably squad level would be fine to start with.

    2. You could look at Gruntz then. For squad level games, just spec the individual troops as specialists; for platoon level you can go for a mix of squads and specialists. You'll probably want to double the ranges etc for 28mm

  3. Think it says Pig Iron on the label -

    1. Der! Of course it does! I should try reading labels in future. Lol.

  4. A very good start to a young wargaming career! All you have to do is get her painting as well as Ray and your job is done.

    1. Its the painting I'm eager to get her involved in. I'd like to see her produce her first properly painted figure and be impressed at what she has achieved. Its a great feeling I'd like her to enjoy as well.

  5. Good to see her really getting into the hobby, lets hope it lasts? I was chatting to her, she was moaning that she wanted to go upstairs to buy something and all you was doing was talking all the time. he he!

  6. Perhaps you might want to try Ganesha Games rules for skirmish - I've been playing them with my nephew for a while now, he was 9 when we started. Look at Flying Lead or Mutants and Death Ray Guns.


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