Sunday 12 May 2013

Preparing for Broadside

The closed circles of MI-5 or the CIA have nothing on Posties Rejects this weekend. On Sunday we met up at our top secret bunker (Posties Shed-of-War) to plan our takeover of the world. Well, actually we were working on our Display game for Broadside but the level of detailed planning and scheming is the same. I can't reveal too many details but I have been authorised to show this sneak peek of Sundays practice session.
Battle of the Boyne
The game looks great and the planning by Ray and Richard has been exemplary. I really can't say any more than that at this stage, you'll just have to come along to Broadside on the 9th June to see the results of our efforts.


  1. Great pic!!!! This didn't show up on my blogroll Lee?

  2. Looking forward to seeing it at the show.

    1. It's a colourful set-up with lots of units and lots of flags. Very eye catching, and a credit to Ray for all the effort he's put in.

  3. Lovely shot of the town! Great job on Ray for getting this drawn together.

  4. Best photo out of the three of you so far, Big Lee. Looking forward to seeing you all at Broadside.

    1. I agree, this is by far the most telling picture. Go ahead and post a few more, just to spite Ray.

  5. The picture is definitely proof that 15's do not lose color or detail! Wish I could see the game at broadsides, but I'll have to visit via the blogs as I did Salute!

  6. This blog is always one of the best on the net! Good Job!


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