Tuesday 10 May 2011

Back to the Front

Home at Last! I was discharged from the Hospital late yesterday afternoon after nine days of treatment. I slept like the proverbial log last night, thankful for not being woken at 2am and 6am for Blood Pressure and other tests! Needless to say all that laying in bed doing nothing was exhausting and I'm taking it very easy for a few days.

I read several books during my hospital stay and hopefully I'll have some reviews to post here soon. Over the next few days I'm going to relax getting some painting done and catching up with the hundreds of unread posts from all the Blogs I follow. With a bit of luck I should be back to the regular posting schedule by the end of the week.

Thank you everyone who left comments of support after my earlier announcement. I'm on the mend and should be back to my normal mischief making very soon!


  1. Glad to hear you're at home now

  2. Good to see you back and getting well.
    Sorry that i missed your post about your illness.
    Take care.

  3. Sorry to hear about your plight, I somehow missed your original post - glad to hear you are on the mend - look forward to your new projects.

  4. Good to see your back in the saddle. :-) Looking forward to more posts.


  5. Good to hear you're home my friend, take it easy.

  6. Welcome back. Hope all is well and you are on the mend

  7. Glad to hear the good news!

  8. Lee, very sorry to hear about your sufferings. I hope the leg is on the mend and you can return toainting asap. I've never really understood why the think that the best way to treat you is to wake you up every 2 hours!


  9. Really pleased you're back. Take things easy, Lee. Maybe only a ten hour painting marathon tonight until you're back on top form....

  10. I am also pleased to hear that you are home.


  11. Glad you're back, big man! We've missed you!

  12. Glad you are home safe and sound. Hope you can enjoy relaxing with the hobby.

  13. Great news to hear that you're home - there is nothing more aggravating than staying in the hospital.

    I'm am very glad to see you're on the mend.


  14. Glad to hear things are better, Lee ...

    I have nominated you on my Stylish Blogger Award list. Your photo sets from wargames events are a must for any wargame browser ... but for style, that picture of you standing on the 'bed of nails' guy can't be beat ...

    SoA Shows North

  15. Thank you everyone for your kind words. Feeling slightly more human now that I've had some real food and decent sleep. Still popping pills by the bucket load but defiantly mending. The offending limb is still swollen and sore but the areas worst effected by the infection are healing.

    Now I just need to convince my GP to refer me to a skin specialist so we can get to the bottom of why this has happened. This is the third time I have had this supposedly rare condition in the same leg. I'm convinced there must be an underlying cause, just not the obvious ones like poor circulation or diabetes. Problem is the Doctors don't seem to want to investigate any further and are content for this to happen again and again... needless to say I'm Not content with this.

  16. Hospital food suck, because no matter how hard they try it ends up bland and uninteresting. As for sleep while in a hospital that is why they give you drugs to know you out.

    PS: Sounds like the doctors need to give you a better explanation of your rare disorder. Perhaps ask them how a rare disorder keeps repeating might help?


Thank you for leaving a comment. I always try to reply as soon as I can, so why not pop back later and continue the conversation. In the meantime, check out my YouTube channel Miniature Adventures TV