Wednesday 19 October 2022

The Other Partizan 2022: My Loot

Last week I posted a video slideshow of my recent trip to The Other Partizan at Newark Showground. I intended to follow this up with a quick post about the goodies I bought from the various traders...and promptly forgot all about it! Well, I have remembered now and I thought I would share a few pictures of my haul. 

I bought a load of books on Standards, Badges & Livery colours for my next project, the Wars of the Roses. They set me back a few quid, but I'm sure they will be worth every penny. I also picked up some Vallejo paints I needed to replace used colours and a Dracula figure from Bad Squiddo. No, I'm not embarking on Silver Bayonet, I just liked the figure. 

These were all from the Lance & Longbow Society

The colour plates of the standards are excellent and will come in very handy when I start my project

The standards will look wonderful in 6mm and will help draw the eye away from my brushwork! 

I also bought a few of these Gazetteers (I think there are over 20 in the series) just to see if they are of any value and if they complement, or duplicate, the flags in the other set of books. 

Again, packed full of information and colour representations of the flags. 

My next challenge is reading all this new source material! I look forward to immersing myself in the period and felt especially inspired as there were at least five WoTR games at Partizan, all eye-watteringly beautiful. 


  1. Lee, you may find this free database useful. It's based on the Coveney books -

  2. We wargamers tend to go a bit mad. You seem to have succumbed with all those books. Happy reading

    1. The book equivalent of a "shiny, must have" moment.

  3. Replies
    1. I came home with less than a fiver left in my pocket, I count that as a good days shopping!

  4. Wow 1 figure, that's very admirable restraint

  5. If you join our Facebook group
    Wargaming at the Outpost GY Facebook group you can download free A4 pdf s of standard for the,WOTR in 28mm, not beyond the wit of man to shrink these.All free but no ommercial use

    1. Ooo, I'll do that in a mo. Thank you. The generosity of wargamers never ceases to amaze me...maybe a future subject for one of my Sunday videos!

  6. Lee I'm not sure what it is but something in those pictures makes me think you are launching into a WotR project 🤔 I'm observant like that.
    Nice haul!

  7. I have used those books to scan the banners for my local area (Wiltshire) gives it a local feel


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