Sunday 30 October 2022

Do you record your battles?

Do you record your battles? I don't mean, do you film them, but do you keep a record of each game in a battle diary, blog, database, spreadsheet, or even on record cards?


  1. Well, Lee, you may be bonkers but likely not alone. I tend to at least mark down the games played.
    You can see the result of my 2021 game-recap madness at,

    I never track wins and losses, though.

    1. It appears so. A few people have confirmed they do something similar.

  2. I hope you don't include solo games as wins!! Yes Lee, you are bonkers but not just because you keep a log.

    1. Lol. Solo games are recorded as such and just add to the tally of total games.

  3. My Blog is primarily my diary/log of wargaming, the waffle etc is entirely ancillary to that.

  4. Another interesting and thought-provoking commentary, so thanks for that!

    To the extent that it would count or qualify, my record of wargaming is a spreadsheet of articles submitted and published in a variety of magazines. This goes back to 1995 or so. I was rather tardy with respect to joining the blogosphere and my effort is certainly nothing to write home about, but there is some sort of record there. As a solo wargamer (dyed in the wool), I have kept track of blog posts (word count, pictures and captions, maps, number of "views" and comments, etc.).

    In sum, yes, I do keep track of my gaming adventures, experiments and so forth.



Thank you for leaving a comment. I always try to reply as soon as I can, so why not pop back later and continue the conversation. In the meantime, check out my YouTube channel Miniature Adventures TV