Monday 13 September 2021

The Battle of Chatham 1779

It definitely wasn't Washington's finest hour on Saturday. The Rejects had some long-time friends over in the Shed-o-War for an American War of Independence game, welcoming them into the growing 'Honoury Rejects Alumni'. A good time was had by all but once again I found myself on the losing side. Having said that I felt we played a good game and overall our strategy was a good one. Sadly lady luck and the dice had other ideas! 

I didn't make extensive notes this time because I wanted to concentrate on the game and our guests so this won't be a fully detailed battle report as usual. However, I did get a few good pictures and thought these were worth sharing below. 

Keep an eye on Ray's blog for a more detailed report. It's not available at 'time of going to press' but I'm sure he will get something online pretty soon.


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