Sunday 12 July 2020

Top Ten Impulse Buying Disasters

Sometimes buying on instinct can lead to some costly mistakes. Let my top ten mistakes act as a morality tale for the impulse buyer! The latest episode of The Quarantined Wargamer is a sorry tale of wasted opportunities and, more importantly, wasted cash. Unfortunately, many of the mistakes I have made have been repeated by others, so I'm not alone. 

As usual, I would ask you to consider subscribing to my YouTube Channel and please join the conversation by leaving your stories of shopping woe either in the feedback section on youtube or in the comments below. Next week I'm discussing how to shop a little more wisely, when I discuss my top tips for buying on eBay. Until then, stay safe and keep rolling high! 


  1. I feel personally attacked! X )

    1. I guess my mistakes are just common ones then and I'm not alone! Lol

  2. Buying a rulebook when I thought I was buying a box set of miniatures.....


    1. Ouch... I hope they were good miniatures at least!

  3. Looks like a comment again Lee?

    1. I have reinstalled the 'Dynamic Views' template in the hope it'll fix some of the bugs people say they have encountered. Hopefully any recent fixes to the code (and by recent I mean since I first installed the template a few years ago) will now be incorporated.

  4. Hi Lee
    Your 'Top Ten' certainly resonated with me regarding 'unfortunate' purchases made over the years! One of my biggest bugbears are rules books. I spent a fortune on one in particular last year only to have the second edition released a week or two after that made the first almost completely redundant! Grrrr! Then there is the duplicate issue - a number of times I've found I've bought the same damn thing twice after I've forgotten I already had it. And yes scale creep rounds out my top three. Its particularly bad with 1/56 or 28mm armour & vehicles. Spent a wack on some Warlord Pzw 3s and Hanomag APCs and then bought some excellent Rubicon versions later only to find they're completely incompatible. I do try to avoid the 'shiny thing' distraction when purchasing but well... I'm a wargaming addict ain't I? Can't help it I tells ya!

    Cheers, Doc
    Doc's 'Art of War

    1. I think most gamers will find at least a couple of examples from my top ten that mirror their own experience. When you've been gaming for over three decades a few 'mistakes' are inevitable.


Thank you for leaving a comment. I always try to reply as soon as I can, so why not pop back later and continue the conversation. In the meantime, check out my YouTube channel Miniature Adventures TV