Sunday 26 February 2017

Cavalier Wargames Show 2017

Phew, we've made it through a long desolate empty winter to the first wargames show of the year, and for Posties Rejects that means Cavalier at Tonbridge in Kent. This is a relatively modest sized event but we never fail to enjoy the selection of Traders and Demo games on display. This year was no exception and offered us a chance to reaffirm old friendships, spend some cash, restock our dwindling supplies and indulge in some ill advised impulse buys! 

Cavalier 2017 - Busy as usual

Peter Pig - Men of B Company - 15mm Vietnam Game

Peter Pig - Men of B Company - Vietnam Game

SEEM Zombie - 28mm Participation Game

Deal Wargames Society - Holding up the Traffic - Prudka, Poland 1939

Deal Wargames Society - Holding up the Traffic - Prudka, Poland 1939

Crawley Wargames D-Day Operation Overlord

Crawley Wargames D-Day Operation Overlord

Freikorps und Spartacist

Freikorps und Spartacist

Rainham Wargames - Blood Bilge and Iron Balls - 1/2400 Naval Demonstration Game

Rainham Wargames - Blood Bilge and Iron Balls

Maidstone Wargames Society - Fenris Decending - 28mm

Southend Wargames - Four Days Battle 1666

Gravesend Gamers Gild - X-Wing 

North London Wargames - Black Horse Strike - 15mm Vietnam

North London Wargames - Black Horse Strike - 15mm Vietnam

The Games Hall

Tunbridge Wargames - Age of Sigmar

Society of Ancients - Punic War - Battle of Cannae - 28mm

Society of Ancients - Punic War - Battle of Cannae - 28mm

The Anti-Alchemists - Calvados and Chips - 28mm WWII

The Anti-Alchemists - Calvados and Chips - 28mm WWII

My Swag from Cavalier - Lots of MDF bases, glue paint and 'bits' for base dressing. Some 6mm ancients including Creatan Archers from Colonel Bills and a ten Selanite Warriors from Ironclad Miniatures.


  1. I was annoyed that I couldn't make it...been in bed the past few days with a shi**er of a cold. Looks like it was a good show.

  2. Nice report lee. Also very nice to see you again. Nice Selanites! I just wish I had seen Ray's face when you bought them!

    1. He looked like a bulldog chewing a wasp...So I went and bought some more!!

  3. Awesome looking show. Nice loot. cheers

  4. Lee, You'll need to update the titles. You have some pictures of Deal Wargames club playing WW2 Poland (IIRC - Trafik Jam) but you call them Crawley Wargames club. Otherwise a nice write up

    1. Oopskie... Labels amended! Thanks for the correction.

  5. Sounds like a fantastic event, thanks for sharing!

  6. Looks like a nice enough show for a visit but it's just a bit far for us Scots.

    But we do go to the 'first' wargames show of the year and that is Vapnartak in York in February. Location is in the middle of the country but it does seem to be too far north for all you 'sutherners'.

    At least we had a 'displaced ' scot attending on the day.

    1. I live North of the Thames so I'd be OK going to York, but the rest of the Rejects are from Kent so they would probably need counselling before hearing that for north!

    2. So the great North/South divide lives on in the hobby.

    3. I've got a nose bleed just typing this message to a Scot??

  7. Great photos as usual Lee and some nice swag. Sorry to have missed you but did bump into Ray


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