Wednesday 24 September 2014

A little Skirmish

I made a flying visit to the Skirmish Toy Soldier Show in Sidcup on Sunday morning and I dragged my long suffering wife ('The Wargaming Widow') along with me. My youngest daughter was away for a Girls Brigade camp weekend and my eldest had other plans so the wife and I had a rare day to ourselves. So we made a flying visit to the Sidcup show before going on to Eltham Palace which is one of our favourite English Heritage properties. We even managed to fit in a quick stop off at a small military museum on the way home so all in all we had a pretty busy but enjoyable day.

Skirmish Wargames put on a Skirmish Wargame at Skirmish (!) - Up Sidcup Creek without a Paddle

Skirmish Wargames - Up Sidcup Creek without a Paddle

Rainham (Medway) Wargames Club - Colonial Sudan with a very nice paddle steamer in the foreground

Rainham (Medway) Wargames Club - Colonial Sudan

Privateers of London - Ancient Naval Game

Ashford Model Club playing a game of Bolt Action I think

Lots of tanks in a very small area..

Old Guard - Songs of Blades and Heroes

Old Guard - Songs of Blades and Heroes

Hornchurch Heroes

Medway Wargames with some very nice 'Tripod' models

Medway Wargames

The guys from Crush the Kaiser playing a WWII game
As usual a nice little show with just enough to wet the appetite. I didn't spend anything this time partly because I'm on an economy drive (unemployment does that) and partly because I'm an idiot and forgot that I needed some Varnish! As always I spent almost as much time chatting with friends and acquaintances as I did looking at the stalls. All of which makes this a very friendly and easy going little event which neatly fills an hour or two on a Sunday morning. Even the wife seemed to enjoy the show. Surrounded by all those wargaming geeks I was sure she would be a bit uncomfortable but she seemed pretty relaxed in the company of my gaming buddies... Maybe after all these years she's getting used to our strange ways?!


  1. Clint looks like he's going to thump someone in the 3rd pic ;)

    Great pics Lee

  2. Nice report and as always nice to see you there.

  3. Good report. Those photos are ace.

  4. Looks like an excellent event. A great chance to get look at a variety of games in action.

  5. Nice selection of game photos. The Martian pod models are especially nifty!

  6. I love Eltham Palace as well. The show looks fun as well.

  7. Good report and pics as ever Lee :)


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