Tuesday 6 August 2013

Mr Whitaker turns 50

50 and still Rockin'
Just a quick post today to shamelessly pimp a great little Prize Draw over on the Trouble At T'Mill blog. Mike Whitaker (Blogger, Wargamer, Programmer and all round nice guy) has just turned FIFTY and is running a competition to celebrate. I'm definitely interested as I rather like the look of his prize (a £25 gift voucher with Too Fat Lardies). This will buy the basic Chain of Command rules-only bundle, or the tablet/PDF edition and some bits bundle. I've not played any of their rules but all the TFL stuff looks pretty good and I'm certainly interested enough to throw my hat in the ring and join the competition.

As Mike says on his Blog "I think Chain of Command is going to be one of the best WW2 platoon-level rulesets ever" and that's all the recommendation I need to buy this rule-set, even if I only ever get to read it. So head over to Mikes competition Here and wish him Happy Birthday.

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