Saturday, 25 January 2025

Don Cossacks and Officer

This week I have a unit of Don Cossacks charging across my desk. It is said that just hearing their cry of “Hurrah” could send entire battalions into retreat. Even Napoleon seemed impressed by these wild undisciplined horsemen, stating “Cossacks are the finest light troops among all that exist. If I had them in my army, I would go through all the world with them."

The Cossacks had a fearsome reputation and formed fast units that could exploit open flanks and harry retreating troops. They were excellent for reconnaissance when they could be bothered to report back on the position of enemy troops rather than chase after them. It was said (mainly by the French) that the easiest way to distract Cossckas was to present them with an unguarded baggage train. This unit is painted as Don Cossacks with a dark blue uniform, red trim, and a broad red stripe down the leg of loose-fitting trousers. They wear various cloaks and many have ill-matching headgear, from tall fur busbies to soft forage-style caps. All bar the officer carries a lance and I can testify to the sharpness of these…they drew blood on several occasions when I let my attention wander while handling them! 

Unlike the regular troops, the officer was cast as a single figure. That said, I decided to assemble all the figures before painting…a practice that doesn’t have universal approval, judging from a very quick search online. I think I prefer this method, and while it makes painting some parts of the model a little more tricky, overall, I found it easier than trying to combine painted figures without destroying the paintwork. 

I’m happy with how these turned out although I think I’ll take a rest before painting more cavalry! 


  1. Great looking models Lee. Superbly painted.

  2. My first 28mm mounted unit in over 30 years (possibly longer).

  3. Well your a bit of a dark horse Lee, These look fantastic. Great job.

  4. Lovely work on these Lee - like Ray, you have got the "frosting" just right on these very nice figures.
    I totally agree about assembling cavalry before painting them - I see no sense in painting horse and rider separately then hiding a portion of your work by gluing the two things together....why bother?!

  5. I have to say these look bloody marvellous!


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