Sunday 7 April 2019

Salute 2019 Photo Report - Part 2

Welcome back to Part two of my Salute 2019 photo report. As usual, I shot too many pictures although it has to be said there was plenty of eye candy to draw the attention of my camera lens. Having said that I enjoyed the fact that many of the games were played using what I would call 'club terrain', ie the sort you'd expect to use on a regular basis (ie it didn't look purpose built for Salute). While I love the big set-piece display games I do like the simpler club display tables because you can look at them and think "I could do that". 

Anyway without further ado, here's part 2 of my Salute 2019 Photo Report.

TooFatLardies - Malaya 1942

TooFatLardies - Malaya 1942

TooFatLardies - Malaya 1942

Spirit of the Game - a 40mm Wild West skirmish game "Blaze of Glory"

Spirit of the Game - a 40mm Wild West skirmish game "Blaze of Glory"

Loughton Strike Force - Ligney 1815 using the General d'Armee rules - 15mm Napoleonics at its best

Ligney 1815

Ligney 1815

Peterborough Wargames Club - D-Day Omaha Beach (Easy Red sector) - A stunning 15mm participation game

The redoubtable Mike Whitaker hosting the D-Day Omaha Beach game

The first wave goes in...things are about to get messy! 

Friends of General Haig - The Battle of Lutzen 1632

Friends of General Haig - The Battle of Lutzen 1632

Friends of General Haig - The Battle of Lutzen 1632

Seven Days to the River Rhine

Seven Days to the River Rhine - Russian Helicopter

A Batman-themed miniatures game

Street Wars - Zombies in the 1970's!

Red Alert

The Old Guard - 28mm Napoelnocs using the Command and Colours rule set

Old Guard - British Artillery

Nice base labels... I do like base labels. 

Flash Gordon done in Lego

Space Vixens from Mars present Mein Ehre heifst Treue - The Road to Castle Ltter 1945

Gravesend Gamers Guild - Skirmish at Staplethorpe - an ECW participation game

Gravesend Gamers Guild - Skirmish at Staplethorpe - an ECW participation game

By now it was mid-day and time for the Bloggers Meet up. Not the largest group we have ever assembled but we were earlier in the day this year. 

Mierce Miniatures - A Darklands demonstration game

Mierce Miniatures - A Darklands demonstration game

Mortem et Gloriam

Wild in the Streets

Gangs of Rome

Wigmore Warriors - Bridge over Troubled Water - A 20mm WW2 game using the Iron Cross rules

Naval Wargames Society - Stingray!

North Star Figures - This is not a Test

A WH40K game 

World War Zero

Speed painting

A game of Blitzkrieg Commander

Taking a brief break from the various games on Display I tried to get close enough to take a look at the painting competition. There didn't seem to be as many entries this year but the standard was as high as ever.

Getting near the display was a challenge! 

Ok back to the tables....

A fun looking Back to the Future game 

scimitar Wargames Group - Jerusalem during the 6 Day War using the Fate of a Nation rules. 

The cityscape was very impressive

That's it for now. Part Three will be up in a few hours. The most time-consuming part of this process is identifying the games where the clubs have failed to label their signage of any kind. This is a pet hate of mine, especially as I take so many pictures. Surely if you are going to go to the effort of running a demo game then you would want visitors to know who was running the game? Don't get me wrong, I try to talk to everyone but by the end of a day like Salute, I can't remember every game so I rely heavily on table signage to help me label my pictures correctly. 

Ok, Moan over. More pictures later today so keep your eyes peeled! 


  1. Best pics of the show I have seen so far. Looking forward to the next lot of Pics as well. The bloggers meet looked quite small but quality beats quantity.

    1. There were a lot of good quality club games this year. All used the sort of terrain that we could hope to have in our own wargames room or in a wells stocked club (ie not out of reach of most wargamers).

  2. Nice pics, Lee, thanks. Someday, I shall go.

    1. Its worth doing at least once...although fitness training (or a walking frame) may be required!

  3. More great pictures and games. You got some nice shots of our Lutzen set up. I meant to take lots but got massively distracted :-)

  4. I suppose I have different feelings on the subject of table standards. If I'm going to a gaming event then I want gaming type tables and things to give me ideas for my own personal gaming which is quick and easy set ups, however if I go to an exhibition event which I think Salute more fits that bill then I expect the highest standard of tables that can still be used for wargaming.
    That said the best pictures I've seen so far for the event so well done Lee and thank you for sharing.


    1. Thanks Christopher, I like both types of games at a show, but I do like to look at a table and think "that's not out of my league".

  5. Thank you for an other excellent report.

    Happy gaming,
    Will Harley

  6. A lot of excellent looking games. I appreciate seeing the show through the lens of your camera.

  7. Thanks for this guided tour of Salute, probably the closest this Canadian will ever get to it. The Omaha Beach game by MikeW is truly a labour of love. Bravo that man.

  8. Great photos, thank you.

    FYI, the photo labelled 'Gangs of Rome' is actually 'Mortal Gods', a new skirmish game based around Greek Hoplites. From the same people (War Banner / Dark Peak / whatever they're called now) but otherwise nothing to do with Gangs of Rome.


Thank you for leaving a comment. I always try to reply as soon as I can, so why not pop back later and continue the conversation. In the meantime, check out my YouTube channel Miniature Adventures TV