Wednesday 2 March 2016

Challenge WIP

I'm working on six different projects at the moment as we race towards the last couple of weeks of the Analogue Painting Challenge. In a foolhardy moment of madness I raised my target to 500 points and immediately started to panic! I'm actually making good progress and I'm reasonably confident that I can achieve this. This little lot should get me within 20-30 points of my target so I just need something to top the lot off with.

Viewed here are Baleric slingers, Numidian skirmishers, Carthaginian generals and heroes, Numidian light cavalry, Italian AS42 Sahariana raiding trucks and my Curtgeld, a 1/48th scale plastic figure of Rommel. As I said this should get me close to my new target, so one of my jobs tonight is to rummage through my Lead Mountain to find the last piece of the puzzle. Its been a hell of a ride, and it isn't over yet. 


  1. It is all looking good to me.

  2. Looking good :)

    Have you allowed for your points from the Nautical bonus round? That's 50 points plus however many for the "landships".

    1. Yeh I've allowed for that. I'm not far off my new target (assuming this lot get finished) so I just need one more good entry.

  3. I'm sure you'll get there.....

    1. I have surprised myself. My painting output since joining the Challenge has gone through the roof. I know that is the point of the Challenge but even so... I definitely have the painting mojo for a change.

  4. Great when the painting mojo is strong. Makes for productive times. cheers


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