Saturday 6 February 2016

My TtS! Roman Army

Earlier in the week I posted my latest batch of Romans, this time some Generals to lead my army. While I was photographing them I decided to put the whole army on the table, the first time I have gathered them all together like this. I have to admit to being a little impressed with the relative speed with which I have completed these. 

In the front are the Generals with six units of Velites shielding the front of the army. Behind these are the three ranks of Legionaries typical of the period, consisting of Hastati, Principes and Triarii at the rear. Flanking the army are cavalry and Bolt throwers. One thing I have realised now that I have these on the table is that the units labels on the Principes are on the wrong side of the base (on the right rather than on the left). Doh! I'll remove and reapply these next time I have half an hour free.

I will add some Italian Allies at a later stage but for now I need to work on building up my Carthaginian forces so that I can have a few games. Once we have played a couple of battles I think I'll be in a better position to consider what the army lacks and therefore what units to paint next.

One thing that is definitely missing at this stage are camps and/or baggage. Once I have a few Carthaginian units under my belt - and once the Challenge has finished - I'll look at make a camp for each side. 


  1. My Golly! They look great. You put them together really quickly, too, well done.

  2. Nice to see them all together like this :)

  3. great looking army to defend the Republic!

  4. For someone who came late to the party you've really made up for it in short order Lee!

  5. I take it you are now converted to the one true scale?

  6. You have the Italian allies already - they are the the leftmost and rightmost legions. But some Tarentine/Numidian light cavalry and Spanish or Greek allies would not be out of place in a Polybian army.
    Mike B

  7. Looking good my friend. But they will get swallowed on Posties Table!

    1. Indeed they would. My game mat for playing To The Strongest! in 6mm is just 2ftx3ft!!

    2. You should have said your 'current' gaming mat is only 2ftx3ft. Trust me, now you have been bitten by the 6mm bug the itch to get 'a few more' just keeps getting stronger.

  8. Hi Lee, could I borrow your photo above for a free extended Polybian army list that I'm currently writing? If OK, could you send it to me via simonmiller60 at gmail dot com. Thanks, Simon

    1. That's fine glad you like them. I'll email the full res pictures in a minute.


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