Thursday 24 September 2015

The Young Padawan Speaks

Like many wargamers of my generation I have a 'normal' life outside my hobby and that includes a wonderful wife and two great kids. Last week I foolishly agreed to let my youngest daughter write a guest post for this Blog about her experiences as a young gamer. I instantly regretted the power I had just handed her and having read what she has written I now know I was right! Very funny though...

I am Emily, BigLee's daughter and I am 10½

My dad, being a gamer, is sometimes fun and sometimes annoying. There are times where his games are exciting, like when we played a game set in the desert. But there are other times when he has taken a game FAR too seriously for me to enjoy! Dad does a wacky victory dance each and every time he gets a point even though he looses afterwards. [No I don't! - BL] Whenever my dad looses he says it’s because he let me win! 

He pretends to be funny by imitating fictional characters like Han solo from star wars when we play X-Wing. He also thinks he is funny when he does a silly voice... when will he learn?! 

Some of my dad’s games I think are a bit childish, like the board game BEOWULF which a three year old could play, and he’s 46! (Grow up dad!) There is one game I love which is called Lord of the Rings Risk, but dad says it is too long to play... but he only says that to get out of it because he knows I am going to win! 

I like boardgames and card games. One of my dad’s card games is called Cthulhu FLUXX, it’s a game where the rules change constantly during the game. I like it because usually I win or nobody wins! I also like it because I arrange my cards to the point that my dad lays his last good card and I place a totally different card over it (that’s how I win). My tip is that if it is a card game you have to have a face like you don’t have a trick up your sleeve, then surprise them. You also have to plan you trick carefully and swiftly. If you are new to a game don’t play it safe, you have to be competitive.

When my dad writes and describes me as his 'Padawan' he is mistaken because I am the master and dad is my Padawan. [True - BL]

I guess I asked for that! I never knew I'd created such a competitive gamer. The gloves are off for the next game we play!! 


  1. Dear Emily. Having on very rare occasions seen your dad's victory dance I will agree it is not a pretty thing to watch. Please do not encourage him to grow up though I actually like him as he is. (Strange that that may seem).

    1. Well the reason you may rarely see my dads victory dance is because he thinks it is funny when I am there and not with his friends.I see what you mean by him being good already but I have to say he sometimes doesn't know when to stop. - Emily

  2. Well done Emily, that's your Dad to a T, apart from the victory dance, we never see that in the Shed O War (do we Lee?)
    Your a brave man Lee, I wouldn't ask any of my girls to do a post on my blog. They'd only print one word.......IDIOT!

    1. Well being the daughter of a war gamer I have seen him do a victory dance when he is with me [of course] He thinks its cool not to do it with his friend ,but fine to do with me. IDIOT... -Emily

    2. Victory dance, never seen that, I like that Emily, honest as the day is long!

  3. Ufff! I'm truly lucky not having such a wit player like Emily opposing me ... congrats to the father by the way, for raising such a smart girl

    1. Thank you! My tip is think like your opponent so you can work around it and play with it. - Emily

  4. Well written Emily. I think Ray is mistaken - we have seen his victory "dance" at Postie's Shed on the rare occasions that he doesn't throw a 1 ;)

    As for the master/padawan thing, are you sure it's not Sith Lord/Apprentice? *grin*

    1. I told you my dad is a bit round the bend. He thinks it is cool [It isn't!] pst. Oh and I am the Sith lord and my dad is my Always-getting-into-trouble Apprentice. - Emily

  5. Emily, I'll give you a lesson my two girls learned quickly;

    a) Laugh at the funny voices.
    b) Let him win sometimes.
    c) Play the boring games sometimes and try to look interested.
    d) Say "That's really cool Dad!" - even when it really isn't.

    Trust me, it will come in when you need that extra bit of pocket money! Dads are suckers when it comes to their daughters!

  6. Brilliant Emily, an invaluable insight into your father's gaming life. If I could offer just one piece of advice it would be to let Dad win occasionally, at least as long as he controls the pocket money.

  7. Fantastic!
    I wonder where this future Reject in training gets her cheekiness from!

  8. So funny. What a great post. as gamers and wargame bloggers you have started a new inspiration. Get a guest post written by a non gamer who knows us well. Could be trouble perhaps but could be a lot of fun and a few insights as well.
    Great post. Bravo!

  9. Must run in families. My wife and daughter are FAR more bloodthirsty gamers than I am.

  10. Emily, you've a proper Dad there. I'd keep him if I was you.


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