Wednesday 31 December 2014

Christmas...its been complicated

I hope everyone has had a very nice Christmas and I trust you were all on the 'Good' list this year. I, on the other hand, began to think I was on the Naughty list because most of my holiday consisted of groaning into a bucket, consumed by waves of nausea. Needless to say I had to forego the usual convivial festivities (including my Mother-in-Laws legendary Christmas Dinner) although I was able to shake off my nausea long enough to open a few presents and see the kids enjoying theirs. The only silver lining is that my present haul this year was very good with a fine selection of books and a very nice W&N Series 7 brush set from my wife. 



Anyway, here's hoping that you all have a very good New Years Eve and that next year brings better fortune than last. Personally 2014 has been a horrible year for me and I for one will be glad to see the back of it. 


  1. I am sorry to hear that you've not been well Lee, let's hope 2015 has a better start.

  2. Hope you feel better as 2015 looms, Lee. Nice loot BTW! Regards, Monty

  3. Happy New Year to you Big L. It can only get better. Winson & Newton Series 7 is a good start.

  4. Ray said he wished you sick old boy...the cad!

  5. Sorry to hear that. Take comfort, 2015 can only be better!!
    Happy New Year from Spain and hope to see more of your interesting posts out here

  6. Lee - I've had a couple of Christmases like that, so I feel your pain. I hope you are fully recovered now. At least you got some nice presents.

    I wish you are fabulous new year :)

  7. Hope you are feeling better and that you have a better day today

  8. put this last bout behind you soon.. and have a great New Year!

  9. Happy new year! At least you got a nice haul there.

  10. Happened to me for Twelfth Night 7 years ago. Rotten way to spend a holiday. Glad to see you got some nice stuff. Didn't know that John Keegan got a well-deserved "K"!


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