Saturday 2 March 2013

The Delvers do Zombie Munchkin

Four of the delvers gathered on Friday without any really clear idea of what we were going to do. The D&D campaign is dead because GM is missing in action (work,kids,family,etc), the guy running our Marval RPG game has been too busy with art commissions to plan a game and my HEX campaign has been smothered beneath the sands of North Africa. So for the foreseeable future our RPG group will be limited to whatever board and card games we can find to bring along. This time we settled on a couple of board games, a superhero card deck building games and Zombie Munchkin. 

Superhero deck building game
The game was simple enough and after a couple of rounds of play we all had a good understanding of the rules.
I'm not sure what Derek was laughing at but its probably rude... The game was good fun, especially as I won. Mind you it was a fluke because I have no idea how I managed to beat everyone else. 
After the superhero game we moved on to Zombie Munchkin which was as funny as the original game
We haven't seen Andy at a game in a while so it was good as always to catch up.  
So we got two games in and had time for a bit of a chat and chance to exchange a few jokes. All in all a pretty good evening. 


  1. Munchkin is one of my favourite time killer games. Not played the zombie one yet but it would combine two of my faves.

  2. Only Played "Cthulhu" Munchkin so far. Which I enjoyed. As a club we will give anything with Zombie in the title a play so it's only a matter of time.

  3. Haven't played Zombie Munchkin myself. Odd really, given that zombies and munchkin and two of my very favorite things.

  4. Zombie munchkin???? I expected a pic of Postie!

    1. Oooo you bad person you. There's no need to mock his lack of... er... 'scale'.

  5. I have Conan Munchkin, which is fun. I didn't realize that Zombie came with a board and game pieces, looks like fun.

    1. The board and pieces are from the Deluxe Munchkin game, the only change to play Zombie munchkin is swapping the decks over for the zombie cards.


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