Tuesday 2 May 2023

Battle of Sodbury Hill 1471 - A War of the Roses 'What-If' game

Over the weekend the Rejects assembled in the Shed-o-War for an excellent and very exciting Wars of the Roses game using Stuart's 28mm collection of figures. Ray and Steve were the Yorkst commanders and faced off against Richard, myself, and Surjit as the Lancastrian commanders. This time, rather than posting lots of pictures I thought I would try making a short video of the game. It's not by any means a full report of the action, but will hopefully convey the excitement of the action. 

The Order of Battle

Lancastrians (Richard, Surjit & Lee)
C/O Duke of Somerset 
   Men-At-Arms, Retinue Bill, Retinue Archers x2, Shire Bill & Light Gun
2iC Prince Edward 
   Men-at-Arms, Retinue Bill, Retinue Archers, Irish Bonnachts, Shire Archers & French Crossbowmen
3iC Earl of Devon 
   Men-At-Arms, Retinue Bill, Retinue Archers, Shire Bill, Shire Archers & Light Organ Gun

Yorkists (Steve & Ray)
C/O King Edward IV 
   Men-at-Arms, Retinue Bill, Retinue Archers x2, Shire Billmen, Light Gun
2ic Duke of Gloucester 
   Men-at-Arms, Retinue Bill, Retinue Archers, Shire Bill, Shire Archers & German Handgunners
3ic Lord Hastings
   Men-at-Arms, Retinue Bill, Retinue Archers, German Pikemen, Shire Archers & Light Gun


  1. Lol. Bloody brilliant video Lee!

    1. Thanks Ray. I may do something like this again for games in the shed-o-war. I'm happy with how the video turned out, but I can see a dozen different ways to improve on it (first of which, use the right colour correction settings on my camera!! 🀦‍♂️). I felt a bit sorry for you guys - not enough to call it a draw of course - the dice gods were just smiling on us in the end.

  2. Entertaining viewing Lee. We won because deployment, luck and execution were all eventually on our side.... though it took a while to arrive!

    1. Snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. The best sort of win really.


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