Sunday 16 January 2022

The Next Generation: Barriers to Entry of Wargaming

The Greying of the Hobby has been discussed endlessly by many an Old Grognard. But our theories on why some young players aren't taking up Wargaming may be different from the Barriers to Entry identified by the next generation themselves.


  1. Interesting, clubs in my experience do not much welcome youngsters. Most clubs insist the kids have an adult with them, which pretty much is a no go then.
    Youngsters want instant gratification now, they do not want to spend, weeks, months or sometimes years building collections.
    I think that some shows will not survive the pandemic, along with some clubs. Sadly I believe that wargaming is now a greying hobby.

  2. GW are the one place doing an amazing job of bringing youngsters into the hobby. they have links with Schools, Scouts and very successfully promote the hobby and welcome children into it. Frankly most clubs should just linkup with their local GW store and create a route for the kids to follow as they grow older and if they keep their interest.


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