Monday 19 August 2019

Back to Reality

We flew back into the UK early on Sunday morning and two days later I still haven't fully recovered from the exertions of our holiday or the lack of sleep incurred on the flight. I have however been able to sort through nearly a thousand photo's (!) and here is a very small selection of the wonderful history we explored. 

Probably not a good idea to wear a black t-shirt!! 
Exploring the remains of a Byzantine-era fort in Paphos

4th Century BC coins in the Cyprus Antiquities Museum with the face of Alexander the Great on them

Lead slingshot dating from the Hellenistic period

Bronze Hellenistic Period helmet
Heading into another hole in the ground...lucky I had a torch!

18th Century firearms displayed in the Limassol Castle Museum

The Young Padawan was my trusty sidekick through many dusty adventures exploring the archaeology of the island

Down in the Tombs of the Kings (no actual kings were buried here...just very rich noblemen)

The spectacular amphitheatre of Kourion is not to be missed. 
Now that we are home I have several gaming projects to kick start back into life. Several packs of models arrived while we were away and I have a couple of games planned for the next few weeks. Back to my less than normal life! 


  1. Replies
    1. Been home a week and I'm still editing the mass of photo's I took.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you. There are several hundred more just showing rubble or "holes in the ground" as my kids call archaeology.

  3. Looks to have been a lovely vacation. Good hats!


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