Wednesday 24 May 2017

6mm Checkpoint

I recently realised that I didn't have any gates or checkpoints for my Italian Airfield collection of buildings. I looked online and found a couple of suitable models but I would have had to import them, they were prohibitively expensive, and more importantly I wouldn't get them in time for the Demo game the Rejects are running at Broadside in June. So the only option was for me to have a go at modelling something from items in my bits box.

In the end I made two models with the first being something of a proof of concept before constructing the final building. For both models I have used resin sandbag emplacements and dragons teeth from Leven Miniatures. The barrier itself is made from a cut section of paperclip mounted in a small post built from wood cut out of a coffee stick. 

The initial 'proof of concept model'

The second model developed the concept. Again I used wood cut from coffee sticks for the post and for the shelter. The corrugated metal roof is just a square of wood with grooves cut into it. 
Inside the hut are two infantry figures (GHQ Italians) with a third out by the barrier itself. 

I'm pretty chuffed with how these turned out and the final model will complete my airfield collection quite nicely. 


  1. Useful and beautiful checkpoint!

  2. 6mm and looking so cool. (the minis not ANY reject, b4 Ray starts)

  3. That is brilliant - good work fella!

  4. What's the fence made from ?

    1. I made it from Wire Mesh, the sort used for car body repairs. A full tutorial on how I made them can be seen here Wire Fence Terrain

    2. Cheers Lee, I used your tip for Matilda Scorpion dust, worked very well, but tried some dust clouds at the same time and it stayed green :(


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